Our Yoga Classes
Dhira offers vinyasa yoga classes rooted in the Classical Yoga of Patanjali. In our beautiful Studio or Livestreaming to your home. Outdoor Classes in the summer, including four FREE Outdoor Classes on Wednesday evenings in July. Classes emphasize the connection between breath and movement creating a flowing meditation. With consistent practice, the body becomes light, strong and flexible, the mind becomes calm and steady, and the spirit becomes radiant and joyful.
Classes All The Time!
Daily classes offered for students of all levels. Creative, flowing sequences of asanas, with varied combinations of meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises), chanting and a bit of yoga philosophy mixed in. Classes conclude with a deep relaxation (“savasana”). Attention is given to proper alignment and to the breath. Learn more about dhrishti, mudras and bhandas (steady gaze, symbolic hand gestures and energetic locks).