Dhira Yoga Blog

The Unbearable Lightness of Practice
With enough tapas, one can burn away the knots that tie the heart and rid the chitta of the vrittis, the viparyayas and samskaras that tether us in the dark. That is, in English, with enough earnest consistent practices, one can rid the mind of its turnings, it’s wrong perceptions and it’s emotional and mental patterns or habits.
“Ulooka” now at how to Practice Wisely in the time of Covid
Here's a look at (“Ulooka” now) some spiritual wisdom, and also today, Monday's, September 21, 2020, Schedule, Keeping safe and Warm, and a Riddle. Also, how you can get a sneak preview on and how to order the new Dhira Yoga Shop’s (Opening Soon!) Pidgeon Pose Sweatshirts (which are available [...]
Focus is the key to happiness!
"Dharana", concentration, is one of the eight limbs of classical yoga Practicing yoga is a practice of focus. Attending to your breath on the yoga mat brings you to the present moment. Thoughts about laundry piling up and birthday parties to plan disappear. Relaxation of body and calmness [...]
Practicing outdoors
Sun salutations literally salute the sun, Vayu, the God of the Wind, merges with your own prana, or life force Cool breezes caress the cheeks in corpse pose Standing on your head magically unites heaven and earth Your heart reaches towards the infinite You are one with all Free Outdoor [...]
“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” — Lao Tzu
Be content with following each breath in your practice. There is no finished pose to strive for. If you think you arrived, you lose the jewel in the lotus, a much more splendid treasure hidden in each breath!
Dhira Yoga’s Spring Awakenings
Candlelight Flow Flickers on!Work week over, spring is here, go with the candlight flow! Warm those winter doldrums away with some fire and some of Rebecca's warm magic! Friday, March 29, 5:45 to 7 pmRestorative Workshop plus Sweet Leaf Tea with your fellow yogis!Filling up fast! Come join us for [...]