The Dhira Yoga Center is located just minutes from Feeding Hills.   Easily accessible from Feeding Hills via Route 57 to 202.

Yoga near Feeding Hills

Yoga feeding Feeding Hills

Our philosophy and yoga classes are rooted in the Classical Yoga of Pantanjali. We also believe in the lightness of enlightenment, and thus, our approach to the yoga practice, though ardent and disciplined, is captured neatly in the words of the sage Swami Satchidananda, “Above all else, yoga is fun!”

The Dhira Yoga Center is dedicated to cultivating peace, both in ourselves and in the world, to nurturing health and happiness, community and compassion. We do this primarily by offering daily, accessible to all, challenging and fun, vinyasa yoga classes (“vinyasa” yoga is a yoga linking breath and movement, a flowing meditation from pose to pose).

In addition to our yoga classes, we offer introduction to yoga series, workshops, meditation practice and the healing arts of Reiki and massage.